01 Sep Youth in Agriculture never in doubt
There have been numerous times of hearing the older farming generation say, “There aren’t enough young people coming into agriculture”. At RSP, we have always argued that this is not the case, as we have actively engaged with young people in agriculture over the last couple of decades.
There is always a young person ready to pick up the reins from mum and dad; or buy the neighbour; or start up somewhere else where they can afford. In our business we witness all sorts of scenarios where young people are desperate to have ownership within the industry.
At his “Bank savvy” workshops throughout NSW over the past 18 months, Brad has observed this to be the case. Particularly when attendance demographic is primarily young farmers (aged 18-35). These audience numbers are impressive, especially when you look at some of the locations and the distance people had to travel for the workshop.
An example of attendance numbers at some of the “Young Farmer” events held are:
Balranald – 15
Broken Hill – 21
Tibooburra – 16
Mudgee – 34
Moree – 63
Jugiong – 15
Bega -21
Inverell – 80

Brad Sewell presenting to young farmers at Inverell, NSW – 2/2020
Events like Balranlad, Broken Hill, and Moree also attracted young people from across the border (i.e. Victoria, SA, and QLD respectively).
Not only are young people keen to be ‘owners’ in agriculture, they are prepared to put the time and effort into learning the latest business practices on offer.
Older generations need to think and act positively with regards to helping our young people enter the industry from an ownership perspective. Parents can assist by considering well prepared proposals from their kids that are commercially fair and reasonable to the parents, the siblings, and to the child seeking to enter the industry. Unrelated landowners can assist by negotiating ‘vendor finance’ to young people on commercial terms (more on that option in a later newsletter).
In conclusion, there is no shortage of young people wanting to enter agriculture. While the hurdles set by industry, lenders, and society can make it hard for young people to achieve land ownership, there are strategies available to close the gap on the financial resources a young person has, versus what they need.
At RSP, we look forward to face to face engagement with our many young farmers in the future.
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