14 Feb Introducing David Robinson
Robinson Sewell Partners is proud to announce our new corporate partner David Robinson
David has 16 years’ experience working for the Commonwealth Bank specialising in Agribusiness and commercial banking. David has extensive experience in the agribusiness sector including managing and analysing irrigated and dryland cropping, horticulture, cotton, and livestock farming businesses, undertaking financial analysis and credit assessments.
David’s career commenced with managing the family’s mixed farming property at Hay in the western Riverina for a period of 10 years. Enterprises included Merino sheep, Angus cattle, irrigated canola, wheat, lucerne and winter pastures.
David also invested 5 years with CSIRO Land & Water based in Griffith as an agricultural economist. In this role David conducted technical research in determining the cost benefit analysis and economic impact of various research projects in the areas of irrigated water management and crop production systems at a farm and system level.
David’s widespread experience in the agribusiness sector has been underpinned by the tertiary qualifications of Master of Economics (2005) and Bachelor of Agricultural Economics (1990) from the University of New England.
David is customer focused and his “hands on” experience in agriculture plus his extensive knowledge of commercial and agribusiness banking, has and will continue to provide clients with tailored finance solutions to meet their individual specific requirements.
Brad Sewell, Ian Robinson, Deb Purvis, John Waterman, and Michael Stout all welcome David to the RSP team.
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