The Penny Drops

There are moments upon candid reflection when an audience is so gravitated by a message being told that a paradigm shift occurs within graces that can be bestowed upon them.  In the rarefied air of the extreme high Himalaya, it could be of Andrew Lock’s account of a butterfly that mysteriously rose above his climbing companion as he drew his last dying breaths.  Or Howard Florey’s remarkable attempt to treat a 43 year policeman in 1940 with a life threatening infection on his face with the first human trial of penicillin.  Supplies ran out and extracting excreted supplies from his urine was not enough to save him, but for many millions of people later it did.

The story may not have been that dramatic, but for 300 representative farmers at the July 2015 NSW Farmers conference, Brad Sewell’s direct account of agribusiness banking in the 21st Century it was.  The room quietened and The Penny Dropped.   The address was recorded and in its raw format you are invited to participate in this 10 minutes of video dialogue.

The conference lowdown..


Brad Sewell was affably invited to be a key note speaker at the 2015 NSW Farmers conference held in Sydney in July.  In front of 300 farming delegates, government authorities and peak bodies, he announced the true position of our farmer’s plight in gauging and assessing their finance needs.


Demystifying the Banks

The three farmers at a BBQ analogy hones in on the topical issue of client margins.  Interest costs to a farming business is in the top three, if not the highest cost to the business.  When farmers talk about their client margins, are they comparing like with like?  Do they know what they are even talking about when it comes to the true cost of funds?  Brad Sewell breaks it down to a digestible level so that a realisation of knowledge is capitalised to  be more informed of their financial position.


Case Studies

To bring it all home, Brad Sewell highlights some real case studies to hammer home what can potentially be achieved for all farmers by some prudent measures on their funding arrangements.  It is low hanging fruit for the business and much financial gain can be captured by applying some simple strategy to their affairs.  The video discussion reveals how.

To view Brad’s presentation, please click on the DOWNLOAD BUTTON BELOW.


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